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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
War Strategists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
War Strategists - Essay Example Thus, Jomini’s hypothesis of technique altogether depended on geometric contemplations. He upheld thinking close by parts of the enemy’s power before striking the basic target. Fundamentally, Clausewitz and Jomini hypotheses have monstrously added to comprehension today’s military profession1. As needs be, the FM 3.0 speaks to a progressive takeoff from past speculations. It has occupied with an operational of utilizing such standards as hostile, soundness or common help activities simultaneously as a component of a between dependent joint power to snatch, hold and endeavor the activity, tolerating commonsense hazard accordingly producing open doors for accomplishing definitive outcomes. The FM 3.0 tasks essentially started an exhaustive change in the military by catching the solder’s experience over t various long periods of broad battle. It thusly changed the army’s conceptualization of tasks henceforth it embraced FSO as a focal precept of how it applies its capacities. Thusly, the idea of FSO assumes basic jobs in the military. FM 3.0 mirrors a comprehensive comprehension of the various effects of bunch long stretches of determined clash in armed force activities. It puts accentuates on individuals over innovation, henceforth center around an activity and obligation at lower levels of command2. It is significant that, understanding the operational condition and the fascinating issues, requires an exact system that extends past the military dynamic procedure. As of now, the operational condition has encountered a gigantic crisis of half and half dangers thus significantly expanding vulnerability in the operational condition. Accordingly, it has required the need of making groups to work intimately with joint interagency and global resources among secluded powers. Furthermore, working with have country accomplices, collaboration requires broad individual participation rather than military order. At long last, the capacity to transmit clear and brief messages to target crowds assumes a basic job in conveying deadly battle work. Therefore, it requires a suitable system so as to guarantee triumphant accomplishment in FSO. Accordingly, ebb and flow research has uncovered that, the FM 3.0 has received an unconventional system alluded to as quick assault war procedure. Also, the system has put together its establishment with respect to nine compressive standards for accomplishment in FSO3. The quick assault methodology involves work of lightning assaults, overpowering the foe with speed promotion concentrated fire-power. Ordinarily, lightning war methodology generally depends on tanks, which join with speed. Its fundamental standard involves barrage of a frail point in the foe guard followed by bluffs and careful tests to discover an advancement point, in addition to a subsequent enclosure to forestall flanking and catching residual powers. In like manner, at the destruction of the adversary, a subsequent po wer may hold the position, while the primary power proceeds onward rapidly to the following objective. Quick assault methodology works completely by stun and depends totally the move and shock standards instead of wearing out the foe by long barrage or pitched fights. Thus, it speaks to a normal crosscountry method for overcoming enormous tracts of generally safeguarded land. Also, it infers diverting a dispatched the adversary from managing your attacks4. So also, the FM 3.0 gives
Saturday, August 22, 2020
That vs. Which
That versus Which That versus Which That versus Which By Ali Hale One of our perusers, Justin, as of late wrote to inquire: While editing a friends article on the close planetary system, I understood that she, and I, are uncertain of the best possible utilization of that and which in a sentence. The following is [SIC] two instances of a similar sentence, one utilizing that and the other which. As far as anyone is concerned, it is the main body in the close planetary system which as of now continues life, albeit a few different bodies are under scrutiny. As far as anyone is concerned, it is the main body in the close planetary system that as of now continues life, albeit a few different bodies are under scrutiny. Which is the right sentence, and what is the general dependable guideline? Justin, Ill offer you the response now, instead of making you read as far as possible of the entire article: the second form of that sentence, utilizing that is right. When To Use That and When To Use Which Before I make advances on the that/which rule, only an update that â€Å"who†ought to consistently be utilized when alluding to individuals. The kid who tossed the ball. This is the lady who consistently wears a dark shawl. When alluding to objects, however, the standard for utilizing â€Å"that†and â€Å"which†accurately is straightforward: THAT ought to be utilized to present a prohibitive statement. WHICH ought to be utilized to present a non-prohibitive or incidental condition. In the event that that leaves you more befuddled than when you started this article, read on A prohibitive condition is one which is basic to the importance of a sentence †if it’s expelled, the significance of the sentence will change. For instance: Seats that don’t have pads are awkward to sit on. Games that include wagering cash ought not be played in school. As far as anyone is concerned, it is the main body in the nearby planetary group that right now supports life A non-prohibitive statement can be forgotten about without changing the importance of a sentence. Non-prohibitive provisos are either in sections or have a comma when them (or just before them in the event that they come toward the finish of a sentence): Seats, which are found in numerous work environments, are frequently awkward to sit on. I sat on an awkward seat, which was in my office. Why You Need to Use That or Which Correctly Changing that to which or the other way around can totally change the significance of a sentence. Think about the accompanying models: My vehicle that is blue goes extremely quick. My vehicle, which is blue, goes extremely quick. The principal sentence utilizes that †recommending I own more than one vehicle (and in any event, inferring my different vehicles probably won't be so quick). This is the thing that occurs on the off chance that we forget about the provision and compose: My vehicle that is blue goes quick. My vehicle goes quick. The sentence’s importance has changed: the peruser doesn't know which one of my vehicles goes quick. In any case, the sentence utilizing which basically illuminates the peruser that my vehicle is blue. We can take the provision out without losing any basic data: My vehicle, which is blue, goes extremely quick. My vehicle goes extremely quick. That and Which in Common Usage Today is regular for which to be utilized with both non-prohibitive and prohibitive conditions, particularly in casual settings: Who ate the cake that I purchased toward the beginning of today? Who ate the cake which I purchased toward the beginning of today? The provision â€Å"that I purchased this morning†is basic to the significance †I’m not getting some information about a cake which I purchased yesterday, or this evening. Accordingly, the principal model utilizing â€Å"that†is the right one, however numerous individuals would not consider the second ungrammatical. It is, nonetheless, inaccurate even in casual settings to utilize that for a non-prohibitive or parenthical condition. For instance, these sentences would be viewed as off base: This PC, that I have never preferred, is extremely moderate. The blue work area, that my dad gave me. A simple method to keep an eye out for these is to search for examples where you have a comma followed by the word that. On the off chance that Id know this years back, it would have spared me a great deal of dissatisfaction with Microsoft Word! Despite the fact that the use of which has been loose somewhat, it is still better to keep your composition as clear as conceivable by utilizing which for just non-prohibitive conditions, and that for prohibitive ones. Along these lines, to come back to Justins model: As far as anyone is concerned, it is the main body in the nearby planetary group which as of now continues life, albeit a few different bodies are under scrutiny. As far as anyone is concerned, it is the main body in the nearby planetary group that as of now continues life, albeit a few different bodies are under scrutiny. The subsequent sentence, utilizing that is right, yet numerous individuals would consider the main sentence passable as well. In a conventional setting, for example, a logical paper, it is smarter to utilize that for all out clearness. Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Grammar classification, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:50 Slang Terms for MoneyDo you situate yourself, or orientate yourself?Neither... or then again?
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Contracting Procurement And Contract Management Case Study
Contracting Procurement And Contract Management Case Study Contracting Procurement And Contract Management â€" Case Study Example > CONTRACTING AND PROCUREMENTCONTRACT TYPES RECOMMENDEDThis project requires various items to be delivered for its successful completion. However, there are several types of contracts that can be recommended for use. Project managers must understand that there is a substantial need to have the required knowledge on contract management before choosing the best type of contract. One of the most crucial terms that are worth noting is the contract management life cycle (CMLC). According to the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply. Contract management life cycle “is the process of systematically and efficiently managing contract creation, execution, and analysis for maximizing operational and financial performance and minimizing risk†(Bartle Korosec, 2013). Contract management systems range from simple database systems that allow companies to find their contracts and track basic information (such as contract expiration dates and deadlines) to contract lifecycle management ( CLM) systems that attempt to automate the entire contract lifecycle, from the initial contract request through contract creation, signing, filing, and post-contract reporting. Some systems are primarily intended to support the procurement function, and others the sales contracting function, but increasingly these systems are being designed to handle all types of contracts. While a simple database and tickler system may be adequate for companies with only a small number of contracts to deal with, more fully featured CLM systems add significant features and functions to help manage what, for many companies, is an increasingly complex and critical area. This means that there are issues that must be considered when choosing the best contract in a given project. For the case of IOC One, one of the key issues that will be vital is selecting and recommending a contract type the maximization of financial and operational performance. In such a case, the selected contract type should be abl e to produce the best results despite the current and the changing situations in the market (Berrios, 2006). Secondly, the issue of risks should be minimized. For this project, there are several risks that can be anticipated, but the contract type should be in a better position to minimize all these risks at all costs. Finally, the recommended contract type will be efficient and effective in the delivery of the required materials for the success of the project (Wang HU, 2007). One of the most recommended contract type for this project is fixed price contracts. This is one of the most applied and modern type of contract across the globe. This type of contracts is also referred to as lump sum contract. In such a type of contract, the buyer of any given products and the seller will agree on a certain fixed price. The fixed price type of contract is free from the negative issues such as inflation. This advantage is mainly effective for projects that run for more than one year. In thi s case, the project manager will not be worried about the changes in economy that can adversely affect the prices of the commodities and materials used in the project. The provider or supply of the drilling materials and equipment in this project will have to agree with the buyer and in this case, this can be the project managers or the representatives of IOC One (Nemec, Mericková Grega, 2014).
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Hardships of Slavery in the 1800s Free Essay Example, 1250 words
Causes of slavery There are numerous factors attributed to the sprouting of slavery. Among the various factors is poverty. Low living standards and the harsh economy in the 1800s fuelled the emergency of slavery as people struggled to survive. Poor people, especially from Africa and Asia, were pressured by poverty to work for rich people under unfavorable condition to get food. They also accepted or were compelled to accept low payment. Industrial revolution in Europe and discovery of new land (America) brought a need for more work forces. The industries required raw materials and labor force in the production process. A lot of people were required to work in the plantation. The only way to acquire cheap labor was through slavery (Harris 12). Therefore, the west took African slaves to acquire cheap labor force. The slaves were take unwillingly and forced to work. The issue of overpopulation triggered slavery as well. The overpopulated communities sold some of their people to work in the plantations. Consequently, overpopulation is associated with depletion of resources and excess labor. As a result people from the overpopulated areas, for instance, western Africa were left with no option other than working as slaves to earn a living. We will write a custom essay sample on Hardships of Slavery in the 1800s or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Ignorance and lack of education is yet another vector for slavery. In the 1800s education was not very popular in Africa and Asia. Therefore, nationals from these continents had little or no knowledge of their freedom and rights as human beings. In fact, in the 1800s there were limited association to fight for human rights and freedom. The lack of education for Africans and Asians limited their chances of acquiring skilled labor to work in executive post. Therefore, they were to work as slaves. Effects of slavery Slavery had both negative and positive impact on social, political and economical fields. For instance, slavery resulted in separation of families. Strong men were taken to work in the plantations leaving behind their family (Dunaway 63). Additionally, children were separated from their parents and this brought misery and social suffering. Additionally, Slavery led to emergence of social classes. The plantation owners emerged to be very rich and were perceived to be of high status. Consequently they became of the upper social class. Those who worked in the plantation and had less money become of the lower social class. Slavery led to hatred, rivalry and insecurity between societies. For instance, in western Africa the Europeans supplied the African with firearms to facilitate raiding of the slaves.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Impact Of Deforestation On The Amazon Rainforest Of...
Evaluation Research Summary The question researched was â€Å"How does deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil, South America, impact the environment?†The topic of deforestation in the Amazon was chosen as there is much concern about the problem and for the future of the Earth. There were different research processes used to discover new information about the problems in the Amazon rainforest such as, an interview with a person who currently lives in Brazil, annotating books, journals, internet research and surveys. These helped me find reliable, credible information and helped me decide when information found was not true. The research was presented as a scientific report. This allowed the findings to be presented. The outcome helped†¦show more content†¦After spending a few hours reading webpages and finding numerous sources, reliable information about deforestation in the Amazon was found. The World Wildlife Fund had very reliable information as there were sources and statistics whi ch could support their statements (World Wildlife fund, 2015). The organisation is very credible as they always publish true information with supporting sources. At times it was difficult to find exact information so narrowing the search made it easier to find information which I was looking for. Webpages are not the best for research but there were a few webpages which were useful when they had sources to support the statements. The next research process chosen was a skype interview with a man who currently lives in Pina, Brazil (Phillips, M, August 2015). This was an extremely useful source as it was firsthand accounts of what is currently happening in the Amazon rainforest. The man told me new information such as laws and politics in which I had currently not learnt about and after the interview I discovered sources which supported what he was telling me. Doing a skype conference was hard because he lived in a different time zone but it was one of the best research processes used. Even though he is not an expert, what he told me during the interview was accurate and reliable because it was supported by
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Industiral Revolution Free Essays
The Industrial, French and American Revolutions Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transport, and technology had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions starting in the United Kingdom, then subsequently spreading throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world. Starting in the later part of the 18th century there began a transition in parts of Great Britain’s previously manual labour based economy towards machine-based manufacturing. It started with the mechanisation of the textile industries, the development of iron-making techniques and the increased use of refined coal. We will write a custom essay sample on Industiral Revolution or any similar topic only for you Order Now In terms of social structure, the Industrial Revolution witnessed the triumph of a middle class of industrialists and businessmen over a landed class of nobility and gentry. Ordinary working people found increased opportunities for employment in the new mills and factories, but these were often under strict working conditions with long hours of labour dominated by a pace set by machines. Most notably, average income and population began to exhibit unprecedented sustained growth. However, harsh working conditions were prevalent long before the Industrial Revolution took place. Pre-industrial society was very static and often cruelâ€â€child labour, dirty living conditions, and long working hours were just as prevalent before the Industrial Revolution. American Revolution The American revolutionary era began in 1763, after a series of victories by British forces at the conclusion of the French and Indian War ended the French military threat to British North American colonies. Adopting the policy that the colonies should pay an increased proportion of the costs associated with keeping them in the Empire, Britain imposed a series of direct taxes followed by other laws intended to demonstrate British authority, all of which proved extremely unpopular in America. Because the colonies lacked elected representation in the governing British Parliament, many colonists considered the laws to be illegitimate and a violation of their rights as Englishmen. In 1772, groups of colonists began to create Committees of Correspondence, which would lead to their own Provincial Congresses in most of the colonies. In the course of two years, the Provincial Congresses or their equivalents rejected the Parliament and effectively replaced the British ruling apparatus in the former colonies, culminating in 1774 with the coordinating First Continental Congress. In response to protests in Boston over Parliament’s attempts to assert authority, the British sent combat troops, dissolved local governments, and imposed direct rule by Royal officials. Consequently, the Colonies mobilised their militias, and fighting broke out in 1775. First ostensibly loyal to King George III, the repeated pleas by the First Continental Congress for royal intervention on their behalf with Parliament resulted in the declaration by the King that the states were â€Å"in rebellion†, and the members of Congress were traitors. In 1776, representatives from each of the original thirteen states voted unanimously in the Second Continental Congress to adopt a Declaration of Independence, which now rejected the British monarchy in addition to its Parliament. The Declaration established the United States, which was originally governed as a loose confederation through a representative democracy selected by state legislatures. French Revolution The French Revolution (1789–1799) was a period of radical social and political upheaval in French and European history. The monarchy that had ruled France for centuries collapsed in three years. French society underwent an epic transformation as feudal, aristocratic, and religious privileges evaporated under a sustained assault from liberal political groups and the masses on the streets. Old ideas about hierarchy and tradition succumbed to new principles of citizenship and inalienable rights. The modern era has unfolded in the shadow of the French Revolution. The growth of republics and liberal democracies, the spread of secularism (the concept that government or other entities should exist separately from religion and/or religious beliefs), the development of modern ideologies, and the invention of total war all mark their birth during the Revolution Destabilisation of accepted process and/or challenge tradition. The term ‘revolution’ is common in all three of the events as societal upheaval and revolt was at the very epicenter of the American, French and Industrial revolutions. Political, social and customary structures were vastly altered, and the ‘common man’ was given an unprecedented voice in matters of national concern. There was a newfound value and respect self determination, and people started to stand up for what they believed was right. The Industrial Revolution profoundly changed the way society functioned as conventionally, people relied on manpower to produce goods and energy, not machines. The introduction of machines in Northern America conflicted with Southern America which lived off plantations and relied on slavery, and this eventually led to the American Civil War. In all three revolutions the destabilisation of a small number of people holding power occurred. The Americans and the French overthrew their governments which were essentially a small number of aristocrats, and the Industrial revolution made it possible for anybody to produce goods and provide services. Job availabilities increased and the employment rate increased. Furthermore, the machinery introduced in the 18th and 19th centuries serves as the very basis of industries today. Whilst the machinery may have evolved, they foreshadowed the technologically savvy and advanced society that today we call the 21st century. How to cite Industiral Revolution, Papers Industiral Revolution Free Essays Essay Questions #1. What were the basic features of the new industrial system created by the Industrial Revolution, and what effects did the new system have on urban life, social classes, family life, and standards of living? Student Contribution #1: I. Basic features of new industrial system a. We will write a custom essay sample on Industiral Revolution or any similar topic only for you Order Now Organization of labor b. New work disciplines c. Skill specialization d. Transportation system and manufacturing technologies II. Effects of the features a. Urban life i. Encouraged urbanization ii. Built small towns close to urban factories b. Social classes i. Created more hierarchy within society ii. Fostered creation of new social classes c. Family life i. Changed roles for women and children ii. Children worked in the factories rather than attend school or stay at home iii. Child workers often worked longer hours than the parents d. Standards of living i. Created higher quality goods quicker and less expensive ii. Led to lower quality of living e. Society i. Supported population growth 1. Reduced deaths to foreign wars 2. Increased emigration of other countries i. Created better public health policies The rise of industrial society in the West was linked to three historical events. 1) The Protestant Work Ethic which stated that heaven was the reward for working hard. Industrial societies required many people to work hard for little earthly reward, so it was cheaper for the industrialists to have people working for a heavenly reward. 2) The Scientific Revolution which led to advances in technology and development of mac hines to make industrial production possible, efficient, and profitable. ) Autocratic political systems and a strong sense of nationalism which gave countries the structure and motivation to produce goods and services for the glory of the king and the nation. There were other factors that supported industrialization. The Commercial Revolution resulted in the expansion of markets for the sale of manufactured goods. Increases in the population of urban manufacturing cities provided workers for the factories and consumers to purchase the manufactured goods. Banks and wealthy individuals provided investment capital to people to allow them to start businesses, further growing the economy. Transportation systems made it easier to get raw materials to factories and allowed export of finished goods to consumers. The industrialization of the West had an impact on society in six ways. 1) Work sites shifted from farm to factory, requiring workers to move to the cities where the industrial jobs were located, and to learn new skills. 2) Populations grew due to better quality and quantity of food in the cities, fewer deaths as a result of fewer foreign wars, and the separation of sewer water from drinking water and other public health improvements. ) Urbanization was encouraged, which resulted in expanded public education and opportunities for upward social mobility. 4) New social classes were formed, namely the industrial middle class (factory owners) and the industrial working class (factory workers). 5) New economic theories developed. The old economic theory, mercantilism, measured the wealth of a nation by how much gold and silver it controlled. Three new economic theorie s tied wealth to productivity instead of owning gold. ) Classical economists believed in â€Å"laissez faire†policies in which the market was allowed to work unimpeded by outside forces, and that the â€Å"invisible hand†of the market would maximize economic growth and thus benefit everyone in society, the workers as well as the factory owners. This theory took hold at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, around the middle of the 18th century. b) Liberal economists were reformers whose theories gained popularity in the early part of the 19th century. They were reformers who believed the workers were powerless and treated unfairly in the classical system. They supported labor unions to give workers more power, increased pay for workers, and women’s suffrage. c) Radical economists came later, in the mid- 1800s. They wanted to restructure society and distribute wealth evenly among the owners and the workers. Utopian Socialists held this view, and several utopian societies were established during this time. 6) New political theories developed. i) Christian Socialism promoted communal property and living as being based on Christian principles. i) Revolutionary Socialism advocated revolution of the masses against the wealthy as the only way to change society for the better. Revolutionary socialists believed that oppression of the masses by the few had characterized societies since the beginning of time. They wanted to reverse this and put the power in the hands of the people. iii) Anarchism was the most radical theory and promot ed the abolition of all governments. Anarchists believed all governments were bad because they deprived people of freedom. Conflicts among the workers and factory owners were common during industrialization. Workers were treated poorly and had no rights. They were forced to work long hours at low pay in order to maximize production and profit for the factory owners. Women and children often had to work longer hours for less pay and at more dangerous jobs than men. Living conditions for workers were crowded and unsanitary, and their quality of life was terrible. A small number of industrialists became very rich and powerful, while the large number of workers who actually produced the wealth were poor and miserable. Conditions for workers gradually improved during the Industrial Revolution. Craft and industrial labor unions formed, uniting workers under a single leader who spoke with one voice for all of the workers as they fought for changes. Political clubs formed, where new ideas of how society should work were discussed. Neighborhood organizations called â€Å"Friendly Societies†provided care and support for neighbors who were sick or out of work. Occasionally, riots broke out, violent attacks on the industrial class by workers who felt they had no other way to change their lives. All of these actions helped to gradually make the industrial society better for the workers. How to cite Industiral Revolution, Essay examples
Industiral Revolution Free Essays
The Industrial, French and American Revolutions Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transport, and technology had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions starting in the United Kingdom, then subsequently spreading throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world. Starting in the later part of the 18th century there began a transition in parts of Great Britain’s previously manual labour based economy towards machine-based manufacturing. It started with the mechanisation of the textile industries, the development of iron-making techniques and the increased use of refined coal. We will write a custom essay sample on Industiral Revolution or any similar topic only for you Order Now In terms of social structure, the Industrial Revolution witnessed the triumph of a middle class of industrialists and businessmen over a landed class of nobility and gentry. Ordinary working people found increased opportunities for employment in the new mills and factories, but these were often under strict working conditions with long hours of labour dominated by a pace set by machines. Most notably, average income and population began to exhibit unprecedented sustained growth. However, harsh working conditions were prevalent long before the Industrial Revolution took place. Pre-industrial society was very static and often cruelâ€â€child labour, dirty living conditions, and long working hours were just as prevalent before the Industrial Revolution. American Revolution The American revolutionary era began in 1763, after a series of victories by British forces at the conclusion of the French and Indian War ended the French military threat to British North American colonies. Adopting the policy that the colonies should pay an increased proportion of the costs associated with keeping them in the Empire, Britain imposed a series of direct taxes followed by other laws intended to demonstrate British authority, all of which proved extremely unpopular in America. Because the colonies lacked elected representation in the governing British Parliament, many colonists considered the laws to be illegitimate and a violation of their rights as Englishmen. In 1772, groups of colonists began to create Committees of Correspondence, which would lead to their own Provincial Congresses in most of the colonies. In the course of two years, the Provincial Congresses or their equivalents rejected the Parliament and effectively replaced the British ruling apparatus in the former colonies, culminating in 1774 with the coordinating First Continental Congress. In response to protests in Boston over Parliament’s attempts to assert authority, the British sent combat troops, dissolved local governments, and imposed direct rule by Royal officials. Consequently, the Colonies mobilised their militias, and fighting broke out in 1775. First ostensibly loyal to King George III, the repeated pleas by the First Continental Congress for royal intervention on their behalf with Parliament resulted in the declaration by the King that the states were â€Å"in rebellion†, and the members of Congress were traitors. In 1776, representatives from each of the original thirteen states voted unanimously in the Second Continental Congress to adopt a Declaration of Independence, which now rejected the British monarchy in addition to its Parliament. The Declaration established the United States, which was originally governed as a loose confederation through a representative democracy selected by state legislatures. French Revolution The French Revolution (1789–1799) was a period of radical social and political upheaval in French and European history. The monarchy that had ruled France for centuries collapsed in three years. French society underwent an epic transformation as feudal, aristocratic, and religious privileges evaporated under a sustained assault from liberal political groups and the masses on the streets. Old ideas about hierarchy and tradition succumbed to new principles of citizenship and inalienable rights. The modern era has unfolded in the shadow of the French Revolution. The growth of republics and liberal democracies, the spread of secularism (the concept that government or other entities should exist separately from religion and/or religious beliefs), the development of modern ideologies, and the invention of total war all mark their birth during the Revolution Destabilisation of accepted process and/or challenge tradition. The term ‘revolution’ is common in all three of the events as societal upheaval and revolt was at the very epicenter of the American, French and Industrial revolutions. Political, social and customary structures were vastly altered, and the ‘common man’ was given an unprecedented voice in matters of national concern. There was a newfound value and respect self determination, and people started to stand up for what they believed was right. The Industrial Revolution profoundly changed the way society functioned as conventionally, people relied on manpower to produce goods and energy, not machines. The introduction of machines in Northern America conflicted with Southern America which lived off plantations and relied on slavery, and this eventually led to the American Civil War. In all three revolutions the destabilisation of a small number of people holding power occurred. The Americans and the French overthrew their governments which were essentially a small number of aristocrats, and the Industrial revolution made it possible for anybody to produce goods and provide services. Job availabilities increased and the employment rate increased. Furthermore, the machinery introduced in the 18th and 19th centuries serves as the very basis of industries today. Whilst the machinery may have evolved, they foreshadowed the technologically savvy and advanced society that today we call the 21st century. How to cite Industiral Revolution, Papers Industiral Revolution Free Essays Essay Questions #1. What were the basic features of the new industrial system created by the Industrial Revolution, and what effects did the new system have on urban life, social classes, family life, and standards of living? Student Contribution #1: I. Basic features of new industrial system a. We will write a custom essay sample on Industiral Revolution or any similar topic only for you Order Now Organization of labor b. New work disciplines c. Skill specialization d. Transportation system and manufacturing technologies II. Effects of the features a. Urban life i. Encouraged urbanization ii. Built small towns close to urban factories b. Social classes i. Created more hierarchy within society ii. Fostered creation of new social classes c. Family life i. Changed roles for women and children ii. Children worked in the factories rather than attend school or stay at home iii. Child workers often worked longer hours than the parents d. Standards of living i. Created higher quality goods quicker and less expensive ii. Led to lower quality of living e. Society i. Supported population growth 1. Reduced deaths to foreign wars 2. Increased emigration of other countries i. Created better public health policies The rise of industrial society in the West was linked to three historical events. 1) The Protestant Work Ethic which stated that heaven was the reward for working hard. Industrial societies required many people to work hard for little earthly reward, so it was cheaper for the industrialists to have people working for a heavenly reward. 2) The Scientific Revolution which led to advances in technology and development of mac hines to make industrial production possible, efficient, and profitable. ) Autocratic political systems and a strong sense of nationalism which gave countries the structure and motivation to produce goods and services for the glory of the king and the nation. There were other factors that supported industrialization. The Commercial Revolution resulted in the expansion of markets for the sale of manufactured goods. Increases in the population of urban manufacturing cities provided workers for the factories and consumers to purchase the manufactured goods. Banks and wealthy individuals provided investment capital to people to allow them to start businesses, further growing the economy. Transportation systems made it easier to get raw materials to factories and allowed export of finished goods to consumers. The industrialization of the West had an impact on society in six ways. 1) Work sites shifted from farm to factory, requiring workers to move to the cities where the industrial jobs were located, and to learn new skills. 2) Populations grew due to better quality and quantity of food in the cities, fewer deaths as a result of fewer foreign wars, and the separation of sewer water from drinking water and other public health improvements. ) Urbanization was encouraged, which resulted in expanded public education and opportunities for upward social mobility. 4) New social classes were formed, namely the industrial middle class (factory owners) and the industrial working class (factory workers). 5) New economic theories developed. The old economic theory, mercantilism, measured the wealth of a nation by how much gold and silver it controlled. Three new economic theorie s tied wealth to productivity instead of owning gold. ) Classical economists believed in â€Å"laissez faire†policies in which the market was allowed to work unimpeded by outside forces, and that the â€Å"invisible hand†of the market would maximize economic growth and thus benefit everyone in society, the workers as well as the factory owners. This theory took hold at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, around the middle of the 18th century. b) Liberal economists were reformers whose theories gained popularity in the early part of the 19th century. They were reformers who believed the workers were powerless and treated unfairly in the classical system. They supported labor unions to give workers more power, increased pay for workers, and women’s suffrage. c) Radical economists came later, in the mid- 1800s. They wanted to restructure society and distribute wealth evenly among the owners and the workers. Utopian Socialists held this view, and several utopian societies were established during this time. 6) New political theories developed. i) Christian Socialism promoted communal property and living as being based on Christian principles. i) Revolutionary Socialism advocated revolution of the masses against the wealthy as the only way to change society for the better. Revolutionary socialists believed that oppression of the masses by the few had characterized societies since the beginning of time. They wanted to reverse this and put the power in the hands of the people. iii) Anarchism was the most radical theory and promot ed the abolition of all governments. Anarchists believed all governments were bad because they deprived people of freedom. Conflicts among the workers and factory owners were common during industrialization. Workers were treated poorly and had no rights. They were forced to work long hours at low pay in order to maximize production and profit for the factory owners. Women and children often had to work longer hours for less pay and at more dangerous jobs than men. Living conditions for workers were crowded and unsanitary, and their quality of life was terrible. A small number of industrialists became very rich and powerful, while the large number of workers who actually produced the wealth were poor and miserable. Conditions for workers gradually improved during the Industrial Revolution. Craft and industrial labor unions formed, uniting workers under a single leader who spoke with one voice for all of the workers as they fought for changes. Political clubs formed, where new ideas of how society should work were discussed. Neighborhood organizations called â€Å"Friendly Societies†provided care and support for neighbors who were sick or out of work. Occasionally, riots broke out, violent attacks on the industrial class by workers who felt they had no other way to change their lives. All of these actions helped to gradually make the industrial society better for the workers. How to cite Industiral Revolution, Essay examples
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